The Year of St Luke
The Year of St. Luke
Listening to small portions of the Bible at Mass is not enough to familiarize us with the Bible or its function in the Church. You may have tried to deal with this issue by trying to read the Bible at home on our own only to be discouraged by the difficulty of understanding a complicated library of books written a long time ago by a culture very different from our own.
This Lenten season, Father John has suggested that as an alternative to the usual “giving up” of something, that we add something spiritual. In this the Year of St. Luke, I propose that we read the Gospel of Luke as a group during the weeks of Lent. On this page I have posted background articles, a reading schedule and reading guides for each weeks readings. If you follow the reading schedule, you will finish the Gospel by the end of Lent. This Lenten exercise will increase your familiarity with the Gospel of Luke and make the readings you will encounter at Mass later in the year more meaningful.
Yours in Christ,
Steve Csontos
Council 11378, Lecturer